You've probably heard of young projects that reward early prospects for their interaction.
A perfect example of this is Aptos, which has distributed a pool of 20.076.150 APTOS tokens to early adaptors.

How can I participate?

Attention to the last airdrops required completing different things like Protocol Usage, DevNet Actions, DeFi Pool Invest, DAO Voter, etc. The actions vary for the various projects and are also partly associated with costs.
Therefore, everyone should deal very well with the respective project in advance and make a good selection.

Which variants are there?

DevNet Actions

Many projects want to test various functionalities in the test network to ensure that everything is fully functional in the primary network.
Because of that, it's undoubtedly also why this type of interaction has been rewarded many times.
For this purpose, it may be necessary to claim test tokens, test a marketplace for functionality, do Chain Bridge testing, or operate a validator node.
Testnet activities are ideal for gaining initial experience, as they are not associated with any costs or risks. SEI currently has an airdrop for testnet activities.

For testnet activities, there is usually the possibility to claim test tokens via faucet, which somebody can then use for testing.
One possibility is the use of a network bridge for transactions between wallets running on different chains.

In the case of Aptos, the requirement was to operate a validator node, which was associated with costs.
A validator node is also a bit more complex, as some Linux knowledge is an advantage.


DAO Voter

A DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is a community-led entity with no central authority. Instead, it is fully autonomous and transparent: smart contracts lay the foundational rules, execute the agreed-upon decisions, and at any point, proposals, voting, and even the code can be publicly audited.

You usually gain voting power by staking tokens, which you use for voting.

NFT Interaction

There have already been some airdrops for using NFT marketplaces and trading NFTs. 
The most recent example is Blur, where you got "care packages" for trading NFTs, which included BLUR tokens. 
LooksRare has also distributed a pool of 120.000.000 LOOKS tokens to NFT traders.

Staking, Providing liquidity to protocols and pools

To participate as a liquidity provider, you must provide crypto assets to a platform to help decentralize trading. In return, you get rewards with fees generated by trades on that platform.
You usually have to stake two different tokens and get LP tokens in exchange which also can be staked for rewards or exchanged for the original staked tokens.

But it would be best if you never forgot that an impermanent loss could occur due to price fluctuations of the tokens used.
A more friendly approach was taken by XEN Crypto where the only task was to claim and stake free tokens for a defined period to get rewarded.

Social Media Activity

It makes sense to keep up with the project's current status via the various social media accounts. In this way, you get possible indications of potential airdrops, and besides that, you're present on multiple platforms if this should be necessary.

Safety Note

Always use a separate wallet when testing new sites from the one you use for your mainnet funds.



You should always keep in mind that the various actions are usually not a guarantee for an airdrop or any reward.


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